Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday Feb 25th

Zed had Chemo yesterday, we were very excited that his blood count was where it needed to be to receive Chemo again. His Dr. said that he looked really good. He is starting to get some color back in his face and has even gained some weight back. Mom is fating him up, and slimming herself down, there a pretty good team! There are two parts to each Chemo treatment, he received part one yesterday and will receive the second part next Monday, and hopefully will be healthy enough to continue this scheduale and recieve Chemo again in two weeks.
He has been feeling pretty good this past week and has been out in the shop working. Thanks for all your Prayers and thoughts.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Hi everyone,
We went to the Dr this morning not knowing if they would be able to give another Chemo treatment or not. The news was good, his blood counts were in good shape. We got another treatment lasting about 5 hrs. So far, so good. We are going back tomorrow to get a shot to help his white blood count so it doesn't get depleted down too much like last time. We'll keep you posted. Love to all