Friday, November 7, 2008

thawing bag of stem cells in water bath

retrieving cells from liquid nitrogen

bag 6 of 6 stem cells-almost done

transplant team-scott,genoa,leslie

sleeping peacefully after transplant complete


JeRrY aNd MeLiSsA said...

Glad to hear everything went well today! Give the transplant team a hug from us for taking such good care of dad! Love you guys!!!!

Melissa and Jerry :)

Kristy said...

So Happy that everything went ok. Lets hope that it stays boaring and nothing goes wrong. Were praying for you. Love and miss you guys. Boston wont walk until you are home safe and healthy!

Teddy said...

Horray! We're so happy it went well. Enjoy some sunshine for me when you get a moment:)